A 4-Card FTK using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Vision HERO Vyon (or Elemental HERO Blazeman), and Block Dragon in the hand.
Duel Replay:
Skill: Not Set
Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin ×1
Block Dragon ×3
Medusa, Watcher of the Evil Eye ×1
Elemental HERO Blazeman ×3
Gem-Knight Alexandrite ×1
Vision HERO Vyon ×2
Gem-Knight Emerald ×1
Vylon Cube ×3
Gem-Knight Lazuli ×1
Deskbot 001 ×1
Gem-Knight Crystal ×1
Gem-Knight Lapis ×1
Living Fossil ×1
Overdone Burial ×1
Evil Eye Domain - Pareidolia ×1
Fusion Recycling Plant ×1
Gateway to Chaos ×3
Polymerization ×1
Gem-Knight Master Diamond ×1
Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli ×1
Ancient Fairy Dragon ×2
Geomathmech Magma ×1
Phantasmal Lord Ultimitl Bishbaalkin ×1
Deskbot Jet ×1

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